Abundance Prayer

 If you are looking for an abundance prayer, I hope you enjoy this one.

Lord, I want so much to be successful in my life. I know that money and material goods do not make happiness, but without them we do not have the conditions to live with dignity.

Lord I long for prosperity in all that I undertake. Bless, Lord. Make me prosperous May I share everything I know, without fear or selfishness, with those who need my teachings or help.

May there never be a spirit of competition in me when what I want is to serve in everything I do.

If I want peace, let me sow it incessantly, if I want to be happy and successful, then I want everyone's well-being and not just my own.

May I live to generate happiness and thus I will conquer the joy of living: always giving the best of myself.

For having taught me at this time to be more and more prosperous and successful, very grateful, Lord.


Prayer to the holy spirit for prosperity

IF you are looking for bonanzas and blessings to accompany you, then what better way than to constantly load up on good wishes. like the prayer that we bring you next

Holy Spirit of God, as you are one with the beloved Father, I ask you to bless me at this time.

I ask you that in my walk they be your advice to make wise decisions and thus prosper in everything.

Bring me out of misery, stretch your mighty hand over me and help me.

Holy Spirit help me to be the prosperous person, you know how much I need it, don't leave me at any time.



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